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As a beloved child

In His heart and hands…

I am free, and I can rest

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A Bit About Me

My Story

Jenny was born, in Lima, Peru, the land of the Dominican saints St. Rose of Lima and St. Martin of Porres. When working as a Pre-Sales Manager for a local consulting firm specializing in Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) which offers integrated software solutions, the opportunity to move to Canada arose and she currently resides in a town close to Toronto. A whole new world was opened to her as she started working as a freelance consultant. Her career has led her to move and work in Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Canada, the US, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Switzerland, and Hungary.  Speaking Spanish, English, Italian and some French has opened some doors too!

She dreams about being God’s instrument to lead people to discover a better way to live by  entering into a relationship with a loving and merciful God. She is thankful for the opportunity to be part of the Truth and Beauty project, which can develop ways to attract and reach out the hearts and minds of everyone regardless of faith; if any, through beauty, goodness, and truth; one, leading to the other.

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